Petr Mojžíš

Aspiring historical board game designer

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Žižka: Reformation and Crusade in Hussite Bohemia, 1420-1421

Preorder from GMT Games.

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The Bell of Treason:
1938 Munich Crisis in Czechoslovakia

Preorder from GMT Games.

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Black Day over the Ore Mountains

Find my 1944 historical scenario „Black Day over the Ore Mountains“ in Wing Leader: Supremacy 1943-1945, 2nd Edition by GMT Games.

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Czechoslovakia 1938 Counterfactuals

Find my two 1938 "what-if" scenarios „Prague in Flames“ and "Slow Them at Any Cost!" in Wing Leader: Origins 1936-42 expansion by GMT Games.

Free Scenarios and Variants

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The Battle of Sudoměř
for Men of Iron

Micro scenario covering the battle that marks the beginning of the Hussite Wars.

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Historical Events Table 
for Richard III

Variant rules add-on introducing more politics and chaos to the campaign game.

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Hitler's Allies
for Wing Leader:
Origins 1936-42

Historical scenario from the Slovak-Hungarian war of 1939. You will also need Š-328 ADC from Unpublished ADCs.

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Before The Storks
Fly Away
for Wing Leader:
Blitz 1939-1942

France 1940 historical scenario designed together with my son.

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De Gaullic Revolt
against Hitler 
for Falling Sky

Simple 2-player COIN game created together with my son in 72 hours for CONSIM Game Jam #1.

Czech Consim Con 2025

Tvůrčí dům Elišky Peškové, Prague

It is coming. Stay tuned!

Czech Consim Con 2024

Tvůrčí dům Elišky Peškové, Prague
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